Saturday, August 25, 2012


When people become put out or bored with their old furniture, their first thought it to throw it out and get something new, but that should never be your first thought!

Reupholstering is a great way to save money, yes SAVE money! Think about it, you'll get your very own custom piece exactly the way you want it, and it is almost always cheaper that getting something from the furniture store (that everyone else has might I mention). 

A lot of the time the furniture you have is the right size for your room, so you have to go through the long rigorous task of finding something that size and with the fabric or leather you like, and then spend a small fortune on it. Also, let's face it... furniture is not the quality it once was, to throw away something so well built because it isn't what you like would be crazy!!

SO.. reupholster!!

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