Monday, February 27, 2012

Create Ambience

Individual, unique atmospheres with in your home can create and set the mood for the space. A specific atmosphere is easily achieved by adding a touch of subtle lighting to make a home special, personal, and comfortable.  Most are familiar with the golden glow of traditional lighting, but few recognize that all colored light can enhance our mood and enrich our experience. Various levels and intensities of light can calm, enhance, stimulate, or relax your senses. Lighting is an aspect of decorating that plays directly with your senses. Bright, well-lit rooms demand attention and create interest. Softer, more subdued lighting allows for visitors to feel relaxed and calm as the lighting has a lessened stimulation effect. Ambience is also created and can draw attention to a specific area, item, or decorative piece when well illuminated in a room. Lighting in this sense can create a focal point, area of interest, or pathway for the eye to follow.

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